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Couple speed through the water on a speedboat

Recreational Loans

Get out there and play! Boats, snowmobiles, campers, ATVs, personal watercraft, motorcycles — we’ll help you finance almost any kind of new or used recreational vehicle with competitive interest rates, flexible terms, and fast, convenient service.

  • Automatic payment options available
  • Finance up to 100 percent of J.D. Power retail value
  • Terms up to 60 months for motorcycles, snowmobiles, personal watercraft, and ATVs
  • Terms up to 120 months available on campers and boats; some restrictions apply
  • No pre-payment penalties
  • 24  hour turnaround

Apply for a Loan

This information is intended to provide general information regarding available loans only. It should not be considered legal or expert tax advice regarding your specific circumstances. Consult a qualified professional with questions regarding the topics herein. © 2020 Federated Employees Credit Union

Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

Model Year* 60-Month  72-Month  84-Month  120-Month
2025 or newer 6.50% 6.50% 7.50% 7.50%
2023-2024 6.50% 6.50% 7.50% 7.50%
2021-2022 6.75% 7.25% 7.75% 7.75%
2017-2020 7.50% 8.00% 8.50% 8.50%
2016 or older 8.25% 8.75% 9.25% 9.25%

* Financing includes boats, pontoons, motor homes, campers, ice houses, horse trailers with living quarters, and more. The current Annual Percentage Rates for financing are based on the age and value of the collateral and the loan term. Additional terms and conditions may apply.  

Small Engine Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

Model Year* Annual Percentage Rate
2023 or newer 6.50%
2021-2022 6.75%
2017-2020 7.50%
2016 or older 8.25%

* Financing includes motorcycles, snowmobiles, jet skis, ATVs/UTVs, and more. The current Annual Percentage Rates for financing are based on the age and value of the collateral and the term of the loan. Additional terms and conditions may apply.

Black calculator sits on desktop of black leather


The FECU customer service is exemplary.  They are quick to respond to questions via phone, email, or in person.  They are willing to go the extra mile by looking into archive files to provide critical paperwork for their customers.  I wouldn’t go anywhere else but FECU for any of my loan needs.
