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SUV towing a large camper trailer

Vehicle Loans

Get where you need to go! FECU finances new and used auto and recreational vehicles. If you need daily transportation or just looking to have fun, let us help you. Choose an option below that suits what you are looking for.

Apply for a Loan

This information is intended to provide general information regarding available loans only. It should not be considered legal or expert tax advice regarding your specific circumstances. Consult a qualified professional with questions regarding the topics herein. © 2020 Federated Employees Credit Union

Valuation Tools

The auto valuation tools can help you decide if you are paying the right price for a vehicle you are purchasing, or give you some idea of what the vehicle you currently own could be sold for. Here at Federated Employees Credit Union, we use the J.D. Power valuation tool. Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds are available as well.

Black calculator sits on desktop of black leather
