Policies and Disclosures
Federated Employee’s Credit Union encourages you to read the following policies and disclosures.
- Agreement and Disclosure for Online BillPay Service: Terms and conditions that govern the use of Federated Employees Credit Union Online Bill Pay service.
- E-Sign Consent and Disclosure: Consent to and request for the electronic delivery of all communications for and relating to membership and the accounts, products and services offered.
- Funds Availability Policy: Discloses our funds/check hold policies.
- Online and Mobile Banking Agreement and Disclosure: Terms that govern your use of the Federated Employees Credit Union online banking and mobile banking application services.
- Online Privacy Policy: How we use personal and non-personal Information when accessing the website.
- Privacy Policy Disclosure: How we gather, use, disclose, and manage a member’s data.
- Remote Deposit Capture User Agreement: Terms and conditions that govern the use of Federated Employees Credit Union Remote Deposit Capture service.
- Text Banking Terms of Service: Terms and conditions that govern your use of the Federated Employees Credit Union text banking services.
- Truth In Savings Account Disclosures and Fee Schedule: The fees and terms applicable to your account at the Credit Union.
- Website Terms of Use: Terms and conditions that govern your use of fedecu.com.